Google Företagsprofil-drift
Vi presenterar det snabbaste sättet att få mer business ifrån Google varje månad. Från endast 3.490kr per månad.
Vill du maximera resultaten du får från Google Företagsprofil utan att behöva spendera massor av tid på att lära dig hur du bäst marknadsför det varje månad?
Med MASMEDIA:s tjänst Google Företagsprofil-drift kommer vi att göra det hårda arbetet åt dig!

Google Företagsprofil-drift översikt
Med vår tjänst kommer dina ursprungliga uppgifter att optimeras för dina sökord och område. Varje månad efter det kommer MASMEDIA att jobba med att:
- Skapa nya inlägg
- Ladda upp bilder och videor
- Utföra ändringar och redigeringar
- Hantera Q&A från kunder i profilen.
- Svara på recensioner
- Övervaka din profil
- Rapportera skräppost
- Övervaka konkurrensen
- Följa dina nyckelord
- Skapa en månatlig rapport och allt annat som kan dyka upp längs vägen!
- Bonus 1: Kundbetygportal (värde 1.495 kr/mån*)
- Bonus 2: Review-score (värde 299 kr/mån*)
*Helt kostnadsfritt så länge du stannar som kund

Start månad 1

Resultat månad 2-3

Resultat månad 4-6*

*Resultaten är inte typiska, invånarmängd och storlek på konkurrens spelar roll.
How Our Google My Business Management Service Works
The MASMEDIA Google My Business Management Service involves 6 steps:
1. You Tell Us About Your Location
Everything starts with learning more about you! Using our simple Google My Business Management Service form, we will capture all the details about your business location that we need to properly manage your GMB listing. This should take you about 10 minutes to complete.
2. We Audit Your Profile (or Get Started With Verification)
The next step in our Google My Business Management Service is to benchmark your current performance. MASMEDIA conducts a audit of your GMB listing based on all the best practices we’ve learned over the past years. You will receive a detailed pdf that shows exactly where your listing stands. If you don’t already have a Google My Business listing, we will get one claimed and verified for you during this step!
3. We Create an Action Plan for Your Profile
With an audit completed, we will then create a customized action plan to improve your GMB listing. This will guide us to give your profile an open path to success.
4. We Enhance and Optimize Your Google My Business Listing
It’s now time for the team to really get to work, to ensure all the necessary updates are made to optimize your listing. Throughout this process, your account manager will be in close contact to keep you updated every step along the way.
5. We Manage and Promote Your Profile Every Month
Now that your Google My Business Profile is optimized, it’s time to kick off promotion! Each month, we will take care of posts, Q&A, reviews, spam reports, profile monitoring, and reporting. This ensures your listing continues to get more visibility, traffic, calls, and new customers in the door!
6. You See Higher Rankings, More Traffic, Calls, and Revenue!
Since your Google My Business listing is being properly managed, you should start to see more results within 30 to 90 days of work completion. While we hard at work on your GMB profile, you’ll have the time to prepare for the new opportunities and customers coming your way.

Google My Business Management Service FAQs
Is there a contract?
No! We work month-to-month, so there are no contracts or long-term commitments. However, many of our customers have worked with us for years!
How much does it cost if I have more than one listing?
We offer a sliding scale discount for more than one location, up to 50% off. We also offer special discounts for those with listings that may not need unique posts each week. Please contact us for more information.
Do I get to approve or request edits on posts??
Yes, of course you do. After your first month, you will get Posts sent to you for approval before the upcoming month or billing period. We will then make any requested edits, if any, from your feedback. Once approved, we will schedule all of your Posts to roll out throughout the month.
How much does this service cost every month?
We charge from 3.490SEK per month, per location. We do offer special pricing for those who have more than one location under management. Please contact us for more information.
Who creates the content and images for posts?
We do! We have a swedish team of designers and writers who collaborate to create each Post. Of course, we appreciate any insights, images, videos, or promotions you might have, but our expert team can happily deliver without any resources.
How do you help me get more Google reviews?
We provide you with a MASMEDIA-Certified™ tool that makes it easy for you to ask for Google reviews via sms and email. This is the most effective way to get customers to leave five-star reviews on Google. Plus, you don’t have to awkwardly ask in person.